Evictions and summary ejectments
One of the more frustrating pieces of being a landlord is the tenant who just won’t pay. What do you do next? And how can the courts help?
North Carolina’s Landlord-Tenant Act creates a series of precise hoops for landlords to jump through before a defaulting tenant can ever, legally, be forced off of your property. From sending a demand letter; to filing a summary ejectment action; and even seeking recovery of unpaid rents and money for damages to your property, Goins Law’s experienced team is equipped to navigate you through the difficulties of an eviction.
We understand the business realities that you face, and want to help you as quickly and efficiently as possible to move forward from a bad situation.
The cost for our services for a summary ejectment is $325, plus any charges the court may require to file your action. If you are interested in having Goins Law defend you in court for your traffic ticket, give us a call (linked) or fill out the form below.